“But the most beautiful things in life are not just things. They’re people and places, memories and pictures. They’re feelings and moments, and smiles and laughter.” -Unknown

It is hard to put into words the impact this summer has had on me, but this quote comes pretty close. We all have created lasting memories in our communities, and the relationships and friendships built will be remembered for years to come. All because of one thing- The Yes Network.

The impact Yes has had on in these neighborhoods is evident and special. Neighbors that were once strangers are now friends. The staff that first walked up knowing not a single child, now have ten running up to them as soon as their car is in sight. Kids that had not spoken to each

other are now playing dodgeball, soccer, or doing an art project side by side. It something special and felt by anyone that comes to these neighborhoods.

This program has provided various opportunities for our kiddos, including art, that have created a unique experience for everyone. It is a bonding, relaxing, creative, and sometimes messy time for kids. It is evident that these kids love art, and giving them access to materials to create is vital. A personal favorite memory of art was the watercolor tattoos. The kiddos were covered in unique designs that were special to each child. Their smiles said it all, and the excitement in their faces to see their finished products were priceless. The smiles, excitement, and joy is consistently occurring each and every day.

This summer has been such a life changing experience for me and has allowed me to feel pure joy each and every day. The love I have for every child at my sites is indescribable, and the impact they have had on my life is something I can’t put into words. These memories I will hold with me for the rest of my life.

Written by Hannah Pfannenstein


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