HuddLUp Activities
Neighborhoods built on strengths, engagement, families coming together these activities are provided thru our HuddLUp program
Kids everywhere are looking for friendships, a better understanding of themselves and others, and genuinely want to contribute to others and their communities. Yes Network provides opportunities for kids to build friendships, come together in conversations and be of service to their neighborhoods.
Through our programs, teachers, artists, social workers, coaches and university students are in neighborhoods, mentoring and helping kids build healthy communities. Kids ages 3-14 are given opportunities to play games, participate in a variety of art activities, problem solve and have conversations with other kids and adults.
Yes Network is collaborating with the Paramount Arts Community, Boys and Girls Clubs, St. Cloud Library, St. Cloud Public Schools, Sanneh Foundation, Career Solutions, Promise Neighborhoods, St. Cloud State University, Second Harvest Heartland, Chartwells, faith communities, Catholic Charities and 100s of volunteers to bring support to the neighborhoods of Central Minnesota, assisting the kids and parents to make sure “Home is a good place to be!”
Rural community programs
In six communities in Central Minnesota, local teachers and community leaders provided free recreation activities for preschool and elementary age kids. In Albany, Avon, Cold Spring, Melrose, Richmond and Rockville, every community program was unique. The programs were at school playgrounds, in neighborhoods and city parks. Some of the students assisted with Summer School Recess. High school students learned how to organize kids, games, think on the spot, handle conflicts without being referees and build strong bonds with the elementary- and preschool-age kids.
Want to learn more about our HuddLUp program? Visit our site www.huddlup.org